NLC VPAS入选阿斯彭研究所上升奖学金

April 17, 2024


Dr. 劳拉·博耶,东北湖景学院入选

With Wave of Experienced Community College Presidents Retiring, New Aspen Fellow  致力于学习变革型领导者的实践  


April 17, 2024 -阿斯彭研究所大学卓越计划(Aspen)今天宣布. Laura Boyer, Vice President for Academic Success is one of 40 leaders selected for the 2024-25 阿斯彭新会长奖学金. Applying lessons from over a dozen years researching exceptional community colleges, the Aspen fellowship aims to select and prepare the next generation of presidents who can lead institutions to higher and more equitable levels of student success.  

许多现任社区大学校长计划在未来十年内退休, creating an opportunity for college trustees and system heads to select leaders who have the skills and knowledge to achieve better outcomes for students. Aspen Presidential Fellows represent the next generation of college leadership: this incoming class of Aspen Rising Presidents Fellows is 58 percent women, 其中55%是有色人种. 他们所代表的机构也各不相同, 分布在20个州, 从小型农村大学到大型城市校园. The fellows, 通过竞争过程选出的, will work closely with highly accomplished community college presidents and thought leaders over ten months to learn from field-leading research, 检查他们所在社区的人口和劳动力市场状况, 评估学生在大学的学习成绩, and advance a clear vision for excellent and equitable outcomes for students while in college and after they graduate.

“有这么多社区大学校长已经或即将退休, Aspen has a heightened sense of urgency to develop new leaders who are committed to systemic change,乔希·怀纳说, 大学卓越计划的执行主任. “Community colleges have a unique opportunity to advance the talent communities need and enable the economic mobility that draws so many students to higher education. I am confident that these fellows can realize that promise—and in turn advance the entire field—by taking the lessons from the highest performing colleges and preparing to bring those lessons to their first presidencies.”

“我很兴奋. Boyer已被选为该计划的成员. 维罗妮卡·加西亚,东北湖景大学校长. “With over 26 years of higher education experience within community colleges spanning across several areas, participating as an Aspen Rising Fellow will strengthen her passion for student success and prepare her for the next steps in her higher education career.”

Rising Presidents Fellows aspire to enter a college presidency within five years of completing the fellowship. As fellows, they join a network of over 350 forward-thinking peers—175 of whom are sitting college presidents—who are applying concrete, grounded, 以及创新的策略来应对学生在大学里的成功挑战.

The 阿斯彭新会长奖学金 is made possible by the generous support of The Andrew W. 梅隆基金会, 伯顿家族基金会, 查尔斯和林恩·舒斯特曼家族基金会, 大学生期货基金, 乔伊斯基金会, 和摩根大通. 





东北湖景学院 is one of the five colleges in the 十大网赌正规网址官网区. 卓越教育中心和西班牙裔服务机构, 东北湖景学院 provides access to quality academic programs and career and technical courses that prepare students for future success in in-demand careers. 学院有超过8个学生,来自圣安东尼奥东北部和贝尔的200名学生, Comal, 和瓜达卢佩县. 东北湖景学院 has two locations; its main campus in Universal City, TX(小鹰路1201号.)和新布朗费尔斯(2193 FM 758)的一个场外地点。


The 阿斯彭学院大学卓越计划 supports colleges and universities in their quest to achieve a higher standard of excellence, delivering credentials that unlock life-changing careers and strengthen our economy, society, and democracy. We know it takes visionary college leaders to achieve this higher standard and we make it our mission to equip them with the knowledge, skills, 以及研究支持的工具来激发变革, shift practice, and advance the capacity of colleges to deliver excellent and equitable student outcomes. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 our website and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

The Aspen Institute is a global nonprofit organization whose purpose is to ignite human potential to build understanding and create new possibilities for a better world. Founded in 1949, 研究所通过对话推动变革, leadership, 以及帮助解决社会最大挑战的行动. 总部设在华盛顿, 在阿斯彭有一个校区, Colorado, 以及一个国际合作伙伴网络. 欲了解更多信息,请访问


Media Contacts: Kathleen Labus,, (210-486-5470) & Kristin O’Keefe,, (240-351-8531)